Development of strategies to transport CNS drugs across the BBB and biotechnology entrepreneurship
24-27 oct. 2016 Marseille (France)


The 3rd ECMED Practical Workshop: Development of strategies to transport CNS drugs across the BBB and biotechnology entrepreneurship, will take place in Marseille, from 24-28 October 2016. We are very proud to present this scientific program with the participation of expert scientists in each field, senior researchers and professors, clinicians, scientists from the industry and company CEOs. This workshop is organized by the NICN lab (Neurobiology of Cellular Interactions and Neurophysiopathology), UMR7259 – CNRS, and the PhD Program ICN. Day 1 will include a symposium on the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), addressing the state of the BBB under normal and pathologic conditions, as well new technologies on advancements of transport of molecules across the BBB. This symposium is co-organized with the Centre of Microelectronics of Provence in Gardanne (Mines Saint Etienne). The rest of the days the focus will be on companies and biotech industry. Day 2 will start with lectures on basics of patents in biotech (basic rules, timing of patent protection, scope of patent rights), Intellectual Property (IP) management in a Biotech (detecting inventions, defining strategies, licensing) and IP in academic research groups, followed by a workshop on English scientific writing and presenting. On Day 3, two mini-workshops will take place. The first will concern research funding issues, giving to the students the opportunity to learn a systematic method to show their project in its best light in grant applications, and thereby maximize their chances of success. During the second workshop, which will be about job search, the students will learn to conduct a truly efficient job search, by focusing on two aspects that PhD students usually neglect: 1) transforming their skills into an offer of services, and 2) approaching key persons in their chosen field(s) and carrying out informational interviews with them. The principles they will learn will be applicable for looking for a job in any field, but will be especially useful if they choose to leave academia. Finally, Day 4 will include talks from industrial corporates and CEOs as well clinicians, giving their perspective of using academic knowledge to work in the industry.

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